Exploring Cancer Evaluation
Your feedback will be kept confidential. Comments will only be shared in aggregate form. If you have any questions about the Exploring Cancer webinar series or this survey, you can contact the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network at unclcn@unc.edu.
For questions specific to participating institutions, please reach out to:
NCCU - Dr. Antonio Baines - abaines@nccu.edu
UNC-CH - Dr. Bernard Weissman - bernard_weissman@med.unc.edu
NC A&T - Dr. Checo Rorie - cjrorie@ncat.edu
The 2023 Exploring Cancer Presenters
Antonio T. Baines, PhD Associate Professor, Dept. of Biological & Biomedical Sciences |
Gaorav Gupta, MD, PhD Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology |
Ashwin Somasundaram, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine |
Checo Rorie, PhD Chair of the Department of Biology |
Yolanda M. VanRiel, PhD, RN, MEDSURG-BC, OCN, CNE, ACUE, ANEF Associate Professor and Department Chair of Nursing |
Karyn Green ABSN Student |
Sydney Taylor BSN Student |
Veronica Carlisle, MPH, CHES Senior Community Health Educator |
Jessica Veale, MHS, PA-C Physician Assistant |
Michelle Johnson, MHS, PA (ASCP)CM Pathologists' Assistant |
Ugwuji Maduekwe, MD, MMSc, MPH Associate Professor of Surgery |
Ashley Leak Bryant, PhD, RN, OCN, FAAN Associate Professor |
Benyam Muluneh, PharmD., BCOP, CPP Assistant Professor |
Jen Hotchkiss, RN, MSN, OCN, CNL Nurse Director, |