Your credit for this internet activity this internet activity is currently being processed.

To avoid issues with junk mail filters and OS differences, we no longer email out certificates.

Please allow 2 weeks for this credit to display on your credit record.

  To access your credit record please visit:

  • Find the "CLICK HERE TO ACCESS YOUR CME RECORDS" link on the page
  • Sign in with your UNC ONYEN or Non UNC Account
  • Filter the date range and generate/download a report*

*This report is an official CME document.

If you have not already verified your email, you can do so by entering your email address, selecting "Activate Account”, and following the instructions.

The system is available 24/7 and is completely free of charge.


Please contact if you have any questions or issues accessing the system.

Thank you,

Doug Hudson
CME Coordinator
[email protected]