Thank you for agreeing to present for the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network!

Part of the review process for accreditation involves evaluating your references to make sure they are the most up to date and relevant for evidenced informed education.

Our accreditation partners request all references be within 5-7 years of publication unless justified by context to still be relevant.

Please take a moment to look through the references provided in your presentation to determine any needed changes.


Located on SLIDE ##

Please add the reference here and UNCLCN staff can add this to your presentation and submit for final accreditation review. (If you prefer to add this at a later date and submit to UNCLCN at a later date, leave this blank)
UNCLCN can provide assistance with completing a limited literature review to make sure the most up to date references are available in your presentation for the audience.



Located on SLIDE ##

Please add the reference here and UNCLCN staff can add this to your presentation and submit for final accreditation review. (If you prefer to add this at a later date and submit to UNCLCN at a later date, leave this blank)
UNCLCN can provide assistance with completing a limited literature review to make sure the most up to date references are available in your presentation for the audience.



Located on SLIDE ##

Please add the reference here and UNCLCN staff can add this to your presentation and submit for final accreditation review. (If you prefer to add this at a later date and submit to UNCLCN at a later date, leave this blank)
UNCLCN can provide assistance with completing a limited literature review to make sure the most up to date references are available in your presentation for the audience.



Located on SLIDE ##

Please add the reference here and UNCLCN staff can add this to your presentation and submit for final accreditation review. (If you prefer to add this at a later date and submit to UNCLCN at a later date, leave this blank)
UNCLCN can provide assistance with completing a limited literature review to make sure the most up to date references are available in your presentation for the audience.



Located on SLIDE ##

Please add the reference here and UNCLCN staff can add this to your presentation and submit for final accreditation review. (If you prefer to add this at a later date and submit to UNCLCN at a later date, leave this blank)
UNCLCN can provide assistance with completing a limited literature review to make sure the most up to date references are available in your presentation for the audience.



Located on SLIDE ##

Please add the reference here and UNCLCN staff can add this to your presentation and submit for final accreditation review. (If you prefer to add this at a later date and submit to UNCLCN at a later date, leave this blank)
UNCLCN can provide assistance with completing a limited literature review to make sure the most up to date references are available in your presentation for the audience.