Health Equity Research - SPOC

Webinar Information

Webinar Description

Coming Soon!


Webinar Documents


  • 2-Up Version (coming soon)
  • 3-Up Version (coming soon)


Please feel free to share the flyer and/or this webpage.

Poll Everywhere Link

Please give poll responses via web at:


Webinar Registration

Register for the series

You must register for the full series to view this webinar.

Registration Instructions

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 1.00 Participation
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Photo of Christina Yongue , MPH, MCHES 

Christina Yongue , MPH, MCHES

Director, Community Engagement & Impact
Cone Health Foundation


Photo of Samuel Cykert, MD 

Samuel Cykert, MD

Professor of Medicine
The Program on Health and Clinical Informatics
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
UNC School of Medicine
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill



Available Credit

  • 1.00 Participation
Please login or register to take this course.