Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Live Webinar Zoom Instructions

Self-Paced, Online Course Instructions

Site Coordinator Quick Reference


Trouble logging into the Learning Portal?

Double-check that you're using the correct log-in method, whether using an ONYEN (if you have one) or not using an ONYEN.


Trouble registering for a webinar or course?

This issue usually results from one of two causes. The first is not having an account and the second is not being logged into the Learning Portal.

If you do not have an account, please create one. If you have an account, please double-check that you are logged in.

Otherwise, the inability to register can be caused by a communication error between the web browser or computer being used and the server where our site is hosted. Please refresh or quit and restart your browser to see if this clears up the problem.


Please stay tuned. If you have a suggestion, please share at [email protected].