Enter your pronouns as you would like others to refer to you. For example: she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, etc. You may skip this field if you prefer to not answer.
To receive lecture notices via text message (please include area code) — US only
What degrees and credentials would you like listed after your name?
Providing this number will expedite the processing of your CME credit applications but is not required.
This information is required to apply for CME credit in accordance with the UNC School of Medicine CPD Office. Please enter this information if it differs from your primary profession selected.
Your NABP e-Profile ID is required to process ACPE credit requests. Without this number, downloading an ACPE certificate from accredited webinars or courses may result in delays or failure for credit to be applied
To prevent delays in reporting, please provide a unique identifying number. This could be your ASRT number, ARRT number, or another organization's unique ID associated with your identity. Without this number, downloading an ASRT certificate from accredited webinars or courses may result in delays or failure to apply credit. (Do not provide your SSN)
Our monthly newsletter contains upcoming events, webinars, and courses. We do not provide your information to anyone outside of our organization.
An alternate email address is useful for account recovery in the event that you leave your organization and no longer have access to your current work or school related email account.