Webinar Information

February 7: Embracing Indigenous Wisdom in Evidence Based Cancer Prevention: A Path of Collaboration, Respect, and Insight on Duke's Voyage

Tomi Akinyemiju, PhD, MS 

Tomi Akinyemiju, PhD, MS
Professor of Population Health Sciences, Global Health and Ob/Gyn, Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Department of Population Health Sciences
Associate Director, Community Outreach, Engagement and Equity, Duke Cancer Institute
Duke University School of Medicine

Tony Locklear, MA 

Tony Locklear, MA
Tribal Consultant, PhD Student in Public Health
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Vivette Jeffries-Logan, BA 

Vivette Jeffries-Logan, BA
Leadership & Equity Consultant, Biwa Consulting

Angel Oxendine, B.S., B.S.W 

Angel Oxendine, B.S., B.S.W

Duke Cancer Institute
Duke University School of Medicine

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Presentation Handout

Roster Template (with disclosure information)

*Please note that in order to receive credit for viewing a live webinar, participants must be listed on a roster submitted by their site coordinator.

Connection Information

  • Equipment Call-In Number: 95189462580@zoomcrc.com
  • Equipment Call-In Passcode: 185143
    • The site will be live starting at 11:30 AM —please have your equipment on at this time.
  • EthosCE Webinar Registration Link: https://learn.unclcn.org/02072024
  • MediaSite Live Link: unclcn.org/live
    • Use if you have problems connecting your video conferencing system or WebEx.
    • Instructions on how to use the MediaSite Player interface.
  • Downloadable PDF


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