Lecture Information


Photo of Rodney Haring, PhD, MSW 

Rodney Haring, PhD, MSW
Center of Indigenous Cancer Research
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

Building Cancer Care Collaboratives for the Seventh Generation

Rodney Haring, PhD, MSW, will discuss how treaty and wampum conversations have impacted the cancer care of Indigenous populations. Building on this foundation, Dr. Haring will describe how to create culturally congruent practices that will improve the quality of research and care to benefit Native Nations. Additionally, he will lead attendees in thinking about new ways to work together to provide sustainable cancer care for succeeding generations.

Lecture Objectives:

  • Utilize and discuss treaty conversations in cancer care through Native Nation, to Cancer Center, to Federal relationships including collaboratives with adjacent rural, suburban, and urban intersections.
  • Conceptualize how to build culturally congruent practices of quality improvement round tables, program evaluation, and research programming towards Native Nation beneficence.
  • Practice dream storming towards co-creating sustainable cancer care collectives towards healthy generations.

Lecture Materials


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Presentation Handout

Roster Template (with disclosure information)

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