The UNC Lineberger Cancer Network’s Learning Portal provides FREE Continuing Education credit opportunities for oncology professionals throughout the year.

The UNC Lineberger Cancer Network’s Learning Portal
The UNC Lineberger Cancer Network showcases two different methods for earning FREE Continuing Education credits on our Learning Portal. One is with our Live webinars and the other is with our Self-Paced, Online Course Catalog. Please visit to find a list of all of our upcoming live webinars. Please visit to get a free account in our Learning Portal and take any of our free, Self-Paced Online Courses. Throughout the year, UNCLCN records webinars for our Southeastern American Indian Cancer Health Equity Partnership, Patient Centered Care, Advanced Practice Provider, and Research to Practice series. Attendees view these webinars at a specific day and time at designated sites or through our Learning Portal and then fill out an evaluation to receive a CME, CNPD/CNE, ACPE, ASRT, or CTR certificate. | These recordings are then moved to the Self-Paced, Online Course catalog on the Learning Portal, where oncology professionals have a year in which to view a given webinar, complete an assessment, fill out an evaluation, and receive a CME, CNPD/CNE, ACPE, ASRT, or CTR certificate. Since the webinars are pre-recorded, oncology professionals are able to earn these FREE Continuing Education certificates at any time of day or night. Additionally, several times each school year, we also record several webinars for our North Carolina Community College series, and these videos are also added to the Online Course Catalog. Although these lectures do not offer Continuing Education credits, North Carolina community college students—with their instructor’s permission—can take an assessment and fill out an evaluation in order to receive a certificate that is good for credit within a course. |