Event date
  • Patient Centered Care
  • 1.00 ACPE Pharmacist
  • 1.00 ACPE Pharmacy Tech
  • 1.00 ODS
  • 1.00 NCPD/CNE
  • 1.00 Participation
Yuri Fedoriw, MD, provides a general background of cancer pathology and tissue diagnosis. The development of testing methods and their application will be discussed, as will the limitations and challenges of cancer classification.
  • Patient Centered Care
  • 1.00 ACPE Pharmacist
  • 1.00 ACPE Pharmacy Tech
  • 1.00 ASRT
  • 1.00 ODS
  • 1.00 NCPD/CNE
  • 1.00 Participation
Cancer patients and survivors have higher rates of anxiety and depression compared to the general population. Cancer-related anxiety and depression may significantly reduce wellbeing and result in adverse treatment and survival outcomes. This lecture will provide an overview of psychotherapeutic modalities that can treat cancer-related distress.
  • Patient Centered Care
  • 1.00 Participation
Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy is a major clinical problem that can lead to persistent issues for cancer survivors and can even limit the use of planned chemotherapy treatment during the course of care. Cryotherapy is already an established treatment for other chemotherapy induced conditions such as alopecia and mouth mucositis. This course will explore the evidence for using this low-cost intervention to reduce the incidence/severity of chemotherapy-induced neuropathy.
  • Patient Centered Care
  • 1.00 Participation
More than ever before, there are rising cases of colon and rectal cancers among young people.  Updated recommendations have lowered the age of screening to age 45 from standard age of 50.
  • Patient Centered Care
  • 1.00 Participation
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men. We will discuss different aspects of this cancer from diagnosis, treatment options, and post-treatment survivorship.
  • Patient Centered Care
  • 1.00 Participation
Lyn Filip, RN, BSN, OCN will provide an introduction into the benefits of Pet Therapy in a clinical oncology setting. The presentation will include certification process, training, policies and the story of "Herbie the Therapy Basset."
  • Patient Centered Care
  • 1.00 ACPE Pharmacist
  • 1.00 ACPE Pharmacy Tech
  • 1.00 ASRT
  • 1.00 ODS
  • 1.00 NCPD/CNE
  • 1.00 Participation
Paul Perryman, MSN, MS, RN, NE-BC will discuss Working with Difficult Patients and Their Caregivers
  • Patient Centered Care
  • 1.00 ACPE Pharmacist
  • 1.00 ACPE Pharmacy Tech
  • 1.00 ASRT
  • 1.00 ODS
  • 1.00 NCPD/CNE
  • 1.00 Participation
Linnea Van Pelt, BSN, RN, OCN, LMBT will discuss Caregiver Burnout/Compassion Fatigue
